We create future for Indonesian kids

At Widya Anindya Foundation, our vision is to create a better future for children by empowering their dreams and nurturing their potential. We envision a world where every child has equal opportunities to thrive, grow, and shape their own destiny. We strive to build a society that values and invests in the well-being and development of every child, regardless of their background or circumstances.

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About Us

Commitment to our future generations

In our vision for the future, we see children empowered to overcome barriers, discover their passions, and unlock their full potential. We envision a world where education is accessible to all, where children are protected from harm, and where their rights are upheld. By promoting inclusivity, fostering creativity, and instilling a love for lifelong learning, we aspire to create a future where children are at the forefront of positive change, driving progress and shaping a brighter world for generations to come.

Through collaborative partnerships, advocacy efforts, and sustainable initiatives, we are committed to building a foundation that not only transforms the lives of individual children but also creates systemic change that uplifts entire communities. Our vision is grounded in the belief that investing in children today will yield a prosperous and harmonious society tomorrow.

Together, let us work towards a future where every child's dreams are nurtured, their potential is realized, and their voices are heard. Join us in creating a world where children are empowered to shape their own destinies and make a lasting impact on the world around them.

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Universitas Utpadaka Swastika

Universitas Utpadaka Swastika

Universitas Utpadaka Swastika (Utpas) is a merger of the STIE BISMA LEPISI with the ASM LEPISI. Utpas always strives to present technopreneur-based education that is up-to-date and in line with industry developments.
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SMK Bhakti Anindya

SMK Bhakti Anindya

SMK Bhakti Anindya is a vocational shool located in Tangerang. It has study programs of Desain Komunikasi Visual, Teknik Komputer Jaringan, Akuntansi, and Administrasi Perkantoran.
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TK Widya Bhakti

TK Widya Bhakti

TK Widya Bhakti is a Kindergarten located in Tangerang. The school is part of Widya Anindya Foundation commitment to help family with financial needs to make sure their childs keep going to school.

SMK Kolese Tiara Bangsa

SMK Kolese Tiara Bangsa

SMK Kolese Tiara Bangsa provides vocational middle school in Batam. It has study programs of Multimedia, Teknik Komputer Jaringan, Akuntansi, and Administrasi Perkantoran.